Songs For a Church Like Ours

For the rest of the spring and summer, I am very intentionally going to be writing songs for my next project. I may not stick with that title for this project, but here is the idea: I want to write and co-write songs for an album that are all 100% singable for a local church- a real local church. I imagine most of these will be written with my church, First Baptist Church of Farmersville, TX, in mind. However, if you are from another church, I want to create a song that is possibly usable for both of our churches!

The Co-Writing Process

I want to co-write with you! I believe God has gifted you with creativity, a personal walk with Jesus, knowledge of the Bible, and care for your local church, whether you are already a songwriter or not. I want you to think of ideas for a song your church could use. This could include songs your church just needs more of or songs that aren’t covered at all.

  • ·        A fast, upbeat “call-to-worship” song

  • ·        A new invitation hymn

  • ·        A missions/commission/sending song

  • ·        A song about the cost of discipleship

  • ·        A new Christmas or Easter song

  • ·        Something that kids could lead the whole congregation to sing

  • ·        A song about baptism

  • ·        A song about ordination

  • ·        A song for your upcoming sermon series

  • ·        A song based on a beloved scripture text

Level 1 of Co-Writing: Ideas

Some of you may have an idea for a song but don’t want to actually co-write a song. I would be happy to hear your idea(s) and write a song based on the seedling of your idea. I will be the songwriter, but I will share how the song is going with you along the way.


Level 2 of Co-Writing: Co-Writing and Finishing

If you want to actually write with me, even if you’ve never written songs before, I would love to do that! First, we will schedule an initial time together of at least an hour to get started. This could be via Zoom or in person. Then we will continue to work on the song via email, text, phone calls, and possibly subsequent collaborative sessions until it is finished.

·        Your name will be listed with mine as a songwriter on the song

·        We will equally share Intellectual Property and publishing rights to the song

·        I retain final say for anything recorded for my project or sung at my church

Don’t Get Any Notions of Fame or Glory

Lest you get too excited about the part that said, “Your name will be listed with mine,” or “We will equally share rights,” please understand the following: My heart is to serve Jesus and his church. I have no interest in becoming or making you rich and famous. Besides, you have very little chance of becoming rich and famous from working with me! But I will equally split any revenue that may eventually come from cowriting with you if you participate in Level 2.

Participant Capacity and Timeline

I will work with at least 12 other songwriters on this project. First come, first serve. Sign up by emailing me at or using the contact form. I will start co-writing in April 2022 and attempt to finish by mid-August. My sabbatical is to be a focused time on songwriting from June 21-August 14.

Demo Recordings and Charts

I commit to producing a chart and a demo of every song I finish, and I commit to finishing every song I co-write for this project in 2022. That way, even if we don’t use your song at FBC Farmersville, you will at least have a demo recording and chord chart for your personal or congregational use.

What Will Happen With These Songs: Sung in Church? Recorded and Released???

Again, my heart is to serve Jesus and His church. If you like a finished song, feel free to use it with your congregation, whether or not we sing it at FBC Farmersville. I reserve the final say as Worship Pastor of FBC Farmersville for what best serves our needs. I hope to compose many songs for my church with your help during this time.

I would love to release a full-length studio album. I have released professionally recorded music twice: first with my “Your Glory Alone” (EP) in March 2021 and then “Wait for the Lord’s Anointed” (single) in November 2021. I recorded the “Your Glory Alone” EP in Nashville at Sunset Blvd Studios with all Nashville pros. I recorded “Wait for the Lord’s Anointed,” in Dallas with friends. Both turned out pretty great! If I end up with enough songs for a full-length album, I may try and pursue another recording project. We’ll see!

Be Humble/Be Open

This is a reminder for me. Oh, and it’s for you too. If you work with me, just know that we need to do what is best for the song and for the church. That will mean making adjustments and changes that could hurt one’s feelings if one doesn’t remain humble and open. I may consult with other songwriters, professional consultants, pastors, theologians, and friends, before finishing a song. Please be open to input as we seek to write the best songs we can “for a church like ours!”

Summary: If you sign up, you will get the following:

·        A chance to give me an idea (Level 1) or co-write with me (Level 2)

·        Updates about the song as it is written

·        A demo recording and chord chart of our co-write (if you are better at demos than me, I might have you produce the demo! Otherwise it’s pretty fun for me to do)



Post-Script: Good places to look for ideas: Scripture, biblical commentaries, using a line or idea from an old hymn, poems, sermons, sermon series, a Sunday School lesson, Christian literature, listening to music, The Book of Common Prayer, The Valley of Vision, Every Moment Holy, any liturgy book, and even conversations!